Wednesday, February 10, 2016

First Day at Fieldwork

Yesterday was our first day at fieldwork. We observed the first group from our class conduct a direct lesson. They did a great job, especially because they did not know what to expect from the children because they were the first group. While observing the first group, I was able to see the classroom dynamic and how the students are; They are a lively group with a lot to say! This is a good thing because they can be very interactive with lessons, but it can be challenging for direct lessons when there is not much interaction, its more just listening and learning. 

My group is doing the lat part of the lesson, which is making a model Eco-system pond. Our group is realizing that there is a lot that goes into this part of the lesson, we are working on coming up with a creative plan. As we are the last group, I look forward to learning from the other groups how we can better conduct our lesson.

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