Monday, February 29, 2016

First Teaching Day

Wow! I finally had my first day of teaching! Our groups lessons for the class was to create a model pond, the children were so excited to create their ponds.

The first thing we did was explain to the class what they would be doing with the ponds. Next each of us took one group that we would work with to help them create their pond. In the groups we assigned each child a job. I thought that this was a very good idea, because then there would be no fighting on who gets what and everyone got a chance; however, there was still a little bit of arguing (in my group at least) because not all of them got the job that they wanted.  

Once we started putting the pond together it became a little chaotic. All though all of the students were having fun,every group was on a different step and the students were all over the place.  
To change this we could have had all the groups stay together by doing only one part at a time, which was what we originally planned, but we didn't execute it fully. But In the end, the ponds came out great and the whole class had a lot of fun doing it. 

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