Thursday, March 31, 2016

Science for the future

Today we went to Bishop Dunn and worked with a science teacher there. This lesson was both informative and engaging. The first thing we did was an experiment, this was the introduction which was designed to "draw us in" she offered to give us candy which was an incentive. Doing a small quick experiment is a good way to engage students, I would like to use this technique in my future classroom. After that we started discussing things about science, what we thought about it and what our prior experiences with it are.

One thing that the science teacher spoke about that really made me think was " not everyone is going to like science, but everyone is going to vote." What she meant by this was that not every student is going to like what you are teaching them and that is OK, but you have to inform them about these things such as space and climate change, so that when they get older they can make informative decisions to vote on. I never really thought about this, but it is definitely a good thing to think about while teaching, because I'm not too fond of science myself, but i have to engage the students anyways so they can learn important information for their future.

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