Monday, March 28, 2016

Second Teaching Day

well, this lesson did not go as planned, but it worked.

For this lesson we used technology, which is always risky because it may not work. along with the technology issue, we also had a time issue. All of this along with excitable students, became a bit chaotic... 

The lesson itself had a lot of parts to it, 2 worksheets,  research, a powerpoint, presentation and a homework assignment. This was a lot to accomplish in an even shorter period of time then we were given, which is why things were rushed.

Along with these issues, there were some group problems. A lot of our lesson was planned last minute because things kept getting changed, which caused confusion on my part. We were also missing a group member.

The outcome of the lesson was OK, the students understood the concept and were able to explain what they learned. It was just a bit unorganized.

From this lesson I learned that I need to speak up a bit more in groups or I will be spoken over. Something else I learned is that modeling what you want to be done helps the students tremendously. Our modeling part was rushed and the students became a little confused on what was expected of them. 

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