Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Explore and Explain about the earth

  1. Consider the area of Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and weather about which you feel most knowledgeable. What ideas do you have regarding what you will do as a teacher to keep your knowledge current?
    I feel as though I am not that knowledgeable on this topic. If I had to chose one I know  the most about it would be weather. I recently took a geography class, which taught a lot about weather. However, I will have to view articles and websites to gain more knowledge. 
  2. Consider the area of Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and weather about which you feel least knowledgeable. What ideas do you have regarding what you will do as a teacher to continue to strengthen your knowledge base about this topic?
    I am least knowledgeable
    about the earths surface, I would need to do extensive research to gain enough knowledge to be able to teach this lesson I will look through articles and texts and class reading to help me better understand this topic. As a teacher, I would also go to my collages and ask them for further information on how to teach this topic, what they have done and ideas they have. 
  3. What resources are you aware of that will help you be an effective teacher of Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and weather?
    This scholastic website is one good resource for weather, it is an interaactive website for children to use. 
    This website has activities and information for both children an teachers . 

    This scholastic website has information for teachers about the earth and its surface.
    This website has information, videos and pictures on the earths surface 

    This national geographic website has a video along with information about the earths atmoshere 
    This website has all different kinds of information about the earths atmosphere for children to use. 

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